2025 Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate and Total Guaranteed Value Updates

Effective January 1, 2025, Nassau will be updating Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rates (GMIR), Guaranteed Minimum Fixed Account Interest Rates (GMFAIR), and Total Guaranteed Value (TGV) Interest Rates for select annuities and states. Please note: rates and product availability may vary by state. For more details, visit the rates page of each product on Salesnet.

These increases will impact new business issued on or after January 1, 2025.


Nassau Income Accelerator, Nassau Personal Income Annuity®, Nassau Personal Protection Choice®

Group A
MD Only: 0.25%
Other Group A States: 0%

Group B
FL Only: 0.05%
Other Group B States: 0%

Group B*
OH, SC, TX: 1.45%
KY, MS: 1.00%

Group C

Group D

Nassau Bonus Annuity PlusSM, Nassau Bonus Annuity®, Nassau Growth Annuity®
Groups A, B, C: 2.80%

Nassau MYAnnuity, Nassau Simple Annuity
CA: 2.80%
Other States (except NY): 1%

MYAnnuity® 5X in NY


Nassau Income Accelerator, Nassau Personal Income Annuity, Nassau Personal Protection Choice
Groups A, B, B*, Group D: Fixed Account – 2.80%, Indexed Account – 2.80%
Group C: Fixed Account – 2.80%, Indexed Account – 1.80%

Nassau Bonus Annuity Plus, Nassau Bonus Annuity, Nassau Growth Annuity
Groups A, B, C: Fixed Account – 2.80%, Indexed Account – 1.80%

Nassau MYAnnuity 5X, 7X (non-NY) and Nassau Simple Annuity
Fixed Account – 2.80%

If you have any questions, please contact our sales desk at 1-888-794-4447.


For Producer Use Only. Not for use with the general public or consumers as sales literature.

Product features, rider options, and availability may vary by state. Product sales must be appropriate based on a comprehensive evaluation of the customer’s financial situation, needs, and objectives. Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Nassau does not provide financial, investment or tax advice or act as a fiduciary in the sale or service of its products. Nassau reserves the right to revise declared rates at any time.

Insurance Products: NOT FDIC or NCUAA Insured | NO Bank or Credit Union Guarantee.

Nassau Bonus Annuity Plus (23FIA4, ICC23FIA4), Nassau Income Accelerator (19FIA, ICC19EIAN, 19ISN, 19GLWB2, 22GLWB, 22GLWB1.1, 23GLWB2.1, ICC22GLWB1.1, ICC23GLWB2.1, et al.), Nassau Bonus Annuity (19FIA3, ICC19FIA3, 19GLWB3, ICC19GLWB3.1), Nassau Growth Annuity (19FIA3, ICC19FIA3N, 19GLWB3, ICC19GLWB3.1, 19ECH, ICC19ECH), Nassau Personal Income Annuity (19FIA, ICC19EIAN, 19ISN, 19GLWB2, ICC19GLWB2.1, ICC19GLWB2.2), and Nassau Personal Protection Choice (19FIA, ICC19EIAN, 19RN, 19GLWB2, 19GMDBS.1, 19EWB, ICC19GLWB2.1, ICC20EWB.1, et al.) single premium deferred fixed indexed annuities, and Nassau Simple Annuity (18FADTCP and ICC18FADTCP) and Nassau MYAnnuity 5X/7X (18IFDAP and ICC18IFDAP/ICC18IFDANP) single premium deferred fixed annuities are issued by Nassau Life and Annuity Company (Hartford, CT). In California, Nassau Life and Annuity Company does business as “Nassau Life and Annuity Insurance Company.” Nassau Life and Annuity Company is not authorized to conduct business in ME and NY, but that is subject to change. In New York, Nassau MYAnnuity 5X (Form17IMGA) single premium deferred fixed annuities are issued by Nassau Life Insurance Company (East Greenbush, NY). Nassau Life and Annuity Company and Nassau Life Insurance Company are subsidiaries of Nassau Financial Group. The insurers are separate entities and each is responsible only for its own financial condition and contractual obligations.


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Anthony LaRosa2025 Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate and Total Guaranteed Value Updates